Sell your music with Karmaduke by Ah Boo! Ltd and you'll earn from more than just streaming...

15% of all Karmaduke revenue goes back to the artists and musicians who distribute their music with us. This means every time someone books a flight, buys a product or builds a website with Karmaduke, our artists get paid.
Why Choose Karmaduke
Some Of the awesome things we do...
Record Label
Join the Karmaduke Partnership and sell your music. As our partner you can sell and stream your music in over 150 places globally including on Apple Music, Spotify and Tidal. Become part of a musical community doing things differently
Mahatma Ghandi said: “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” We agree which is why we’ve created the Academy with free courses and actual accreditations. See if there’s something you’d like to lean about here
We’ve created a market so that our partner bands can sell their merchandise, CDs, Posters directly to their fans around the world. Shop from the bands and artists you love and every purchase you make helps fund independent music
Looking to book a flight, buy a web domain or build an awesome home on the web? Try Karmaduke Services and help support independent musicians and artists whilst you do it
As well as building a partnership to support independent musicians and artists, we have charity baked into our DNA. A percentage of every penny we make goes straight to the Foundation and is distributed to charities and causes. Find out more or get involved with the Foundation here
How Does the Record Label Work ?

Step One
Upload your tracks
The principle of the Karmaduke Record Label is quite simple.
Karmaduke releases your original music on all the major digital services for free and you keep 100% of your music rights.
We don’t charge any up front or annual fees for managing your music. Our commission for our service is 15% of the revenue we collect for you from your music streams, downloads and synch deals. However, just like you share 15% of your revenue with us, we share 15% of our revenue with you from the other services we offer. The services we offer are the Karmaduke Market, Karmaduke Travel, Karmaduke Web Services, Karmaduke Synch and Karmaduke Academy.

Step Two
It goes without saying that when you release your tracks you will do everything you can to promote them. We will send tips and guide to help you with that.
In addition, as a Karmaduke Partner you will be sent exclusive promotions and discount codes to share with your fans to help you promote the Karmaduke platform and offer real value to your fans.
We believe in supporting musicians and creative talent. Our business model is unique and gives you more ways to earn money than ever before. Your fans get to book the same flights, buy the same products or register the same web domain as they can do elsewhere, but when they do it with karmaduke, musicians’ benefit.
If you choose, we’ll also put you in touch with similar Karmaduke artists you might be interested in collaborating with in the future

Step Three
Share in the Partnership Revenue
Track Bonus – 5% of the revenue we generate is distributed equally to Partners based on the number of tracks you have released with Karmaduke in the qualifying period.
So, every track you release will generate a bonus payment. The more tracks you have released with us, the more track bonuses you will get. We believe that the effort that goes into writing and recording a song should be rewarded, even if you don’t have an international smash hit. Whatever happens, when you release a song with Karmaduke, you will be rewarded.
Streaming Bonus
10% of the revenue we generate will be distributed based on the number of streams your tracks generate. So, if you do have an international smash hit and generate billions of streams, you will get a bigger share of the Streaming Bonus.
Karmaduke Market
How Does It Work ?
Step One- Registration
Complete the registration form if you would like to get started selling with Karmaduke. No matter the size of your band or fan base, our fees and terms are the same. We aim to treat everyone fairly so if at any point you don't think we're treating you fairly, tell us! Click here to start selling
Step Two- Product Upload and Pricing
Once our team have checked your registration credentials and approved your account you will be ready to upload your products (this can be done in bulk if you have a lot to sell). Once you are happy and the products are live, we’ll authorise your account and you can start selling.
Step Three- Order Time
When someone orders one (or more) of your wonderful products, you’ll be notified by email and you’ll be able to manage the whole order process from our intuitive, easy to use vendor portal. You can communicate securely and directly with your customers via the built in chat and messaging functions.
Where do we distribute Music ?
Streaming Services
Possible Languages
Who is Karmaduke made for?
People like You....!

Some of Our Partners

The Karmaduke Mission Statement
Karmaduke offers a unique proposition for music creators and music fans to be a part of a platform designed to support and promote new music whilst understanding that the economics of earning money from music sales have changed drastically in the last decade and a new approach is required.
Musicians, bands, artists and producers can become part of the Karmaduke Partnership which not only allows them to release their music and generate income from over 150 streaming and download platforms including Apple Music, Spotify, Tidal and Google play, but Partners also share in the profits from Karmaduke Services which include a marketplace platform, web hosting services, as well as travel and finance comparison services.
The Partnership gives artists and music rights holders the opportunity to monetize their music and music videos, but also gives them a way to earn from the buying power of their fan base. Rather than asking fans to buy merchandise or physical copies of their music produced in small print runs, Partners can ask their fans to support them by making their next purchase of a holiday, laptop or musical instrument via For a loyal fan base this only requires a small shift in their buying behaviour to move from one comparison site or marketplace to one which supports and is endorsed by their favourite artist(s) as well as supporting independent music across a wide range of genres and geographic locations.
The Karmaduke Mission is to help independent musicians, artists and creative people to earn a sustainable income from their creations whilst also giving fans a way to support independent music through a small change in their online shopping habits.